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Guru Diksha ceremony held at Ashram 18th Nov’12

Guru Diksha ceremony was held at Shri LakshmiNarayan Divya Dham Shri Sidhdata Ashram, Faridabad on 18th Nov'12. Giving Satsang on the occasion Shri Guruji, Anant Shri Vibhushit Indraprastha & Haryana Pithadhiswar Srimad Jagadguru Ramanujacharya Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj said that an able Guru successfully guides his followers on the path to Salvation. He said that it not possible to connect with the God without a competent Guru. Guru shows the path way and opens the door to salvation for his followers and that is the reason a Guru is also referred in various Hindu scriptures as Taranhaar (the one who guides you on every path in life to eventually attain salvation).
Enlightening the devotees on the importance of attaining Diksha, he quoted various examples from the Shastras and said that any person who attains Diksha under Vaishnav Sampraday will attain Salvation eventually if he stringently follows the path way shown by his Guru. In compliance to Shri Sampradaya procedures, all followers were made to go through the Panch Sanskara after which Shri Guruji himself recited the Naam in each follower's ears. A total of 378 followers took Diksha on the day.