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Happiness and prosperity comes from the grace of ancestors - Swami Purushottamacharya

The Shradh and Tarpan Karma of Vaikunth resident Swami Sudarshanacharya ji and his wife Vaikunth resident Ashrafi Devi ji (Guru Mataji), the founder of Shri Siddhadata Ashram located on Surajkund Road, was performed in the Ashram premises. On this occasion, Jagadguru Swami Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj, the present Gddinsheen, performed his Shradh karma.
Revered Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj told that Shradh has special significance in Vaishnava tradition. On the date on which our ancestor's transcendence takes place, the same date is given to the ancestors. Apart from this, food and donations are also done to Brahmins and the needy. Shri Guru Maharaj told that in this way Shradh is a rite of enrichment not only for the ancestors but also the society.
He told that fathers are able to accept only the fortune given by their children. Of course he is living in heaven. So they must be given food. After getting food, our ancestors bestow their blessings on us, due to which we get happiness and prosperity. It is worth mentioning that by building Shri Siddhadata Ashram and Shri Laxminarayan Divyadham, Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya and Gaushala here in the year 1989, Swamiji has made a positive impact in the lives of lakhs of people.
On this occasion, Pandit Sudarshanacharya, the Rangadeshik priest of Shri Ramanuja sect, who came from Vrindavan, completed Shradh and Tarpan Karma. He told that today specially the third year Shradh was performed. In this Shradh, the bodies of three generations are mixed and tarpan is performed. In our scriptures, there is a mention of matching the ancestors of three generations and all of them are liberated. By this the soul gets freedom from the cycle of birth and death again and again.