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GuruMaharaj’s Murty Sthapana at Lakshmi Narayan Mandir in Lagos, Nigeria

At Lakshmi Narayan Temple the long wait for all devotees finally came to an end on the 7th December 2012 with the Sthapana of our Respected Guruji\'s Murty at Guru Gaddi premises in Lagos, Nigeria. GuruMaharaj’s Murty was placed on beautiful marble platform at Guru Gaddi Lagos inside the temple. Under the able guidance of Gobind Bhai who was present to grace the occasion, this task was accomplished with relative ease. The Murty Sthapana programme started at 9am with Nav Grah Pooja by Poonam and Haresh Keswani ji and followed by a havan. Beautiful Murty of our beloved GuruMaharaj’s was unveiled and GURU Murty Abhishek was done with Milk, Honey, Curd, Sindhoor, Ganga jal and Rose water along with Mantra Chanting and Prayers by all the devotees. All the devotees witnessed unbelievable and amazing Aura of our GuruMaharaj’s grace as his Murty appears to be Alive and living. There was a lot of excitement among the devotees just to get the glimpse of GuruMaharaj’s Murti as all devotees have been anxiously waiting for this moment for long time. Words can\'t express the joy, the satisfaction, the feeling of fulfilment as it felt like a dream come true. Devotees had their eyes filled with Tears of Joy and happiness owing to Love for the beloved GuruMaharaj, who has shown the path of supremacy to all his followers. Though all the followers know that GuruMaharaj is omnipresent but yet the entire atmosphere was jubilant as it almost felt like GuruMaharaj has himself walked in to the temple!! Followers for our great Guru Gaddi, Lagos, felt blessed and thanked Shri Guruji, Srimad Jagadguru Ramanujacharya Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj for his vision and inspiration which had made this day possible for all the devotees in Lagos.