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The servants of Shri Sidhdata Ashram reached the real needy

The sevadars of Shri Sidhdata Ashram provided blankets to the people who were shivering on the national highway. The blessings of those who took the blankets were comforting.
On the instructions of Jagadguru Ramanujacharya Swami Purushottamacharya Maharaj, the overlord of Shri Siddhadata Ashram, the servitors groped the needy on the highway. Here, people forced to chill in the available means under the squares, foot over bridges, metro stations should be covered with blankets. Hundreds of people benefitted from this hour-long effort.
In this regard, Swami Purushottamacharya ji told that every person who comes to the ashram gets food. But few people are able to take care of the people chilling on the streets. Every section of the society should come forward to help such people. He said that charity is the biggest medium to earn virtue and cut off one's negative destiny karma. He said that it is not in our hands to eliminate the inequality prevailing in the society, but the society can definitely try to fulfill some needs of the people.
It is worth mentioning that Shri Sidhdata Ashram has done many service projects like distribution of warm clothes, blankets and shawls in winter, daily langar, fresh water images in summer, serving people with food etc. during corona period, organizing health camps etc. Lakhs of people are getting benefited from it.