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Forgetting all attachments,desires and enmity is truly the essence of the auspicious festival of Holi Swami Shri Purshottamacharyaji Maharaj Shri Sidh

Forgetting all attachments,desires and enmity is truly the essence of the auspicious festival of Holi: Anant Shri Vibhushit Indraprastha Haryana Peethadeeshwar Shrimad JagadGuru Ramanujacharya Swami Shri Purshottamacharyaji Maharaj
Shri Sidhdata Ashram organized the celebration of Holi
Faridabad: At the divine abode of Shri Sidhdata Ashram, Faridabad the festival of Holi was celebrated traditionally with immense reverence and jubilance in the presence of His Holiness Shrimad JagadGuru Swami Purshottamacharyaji Maharaj.
On Wednesday the 27th of March venerators from all over India as well as overseas gathered together and played'Holi' with vibrant colors and were all bestowed with the divine grace and blessings of Swami Shri Purshottamacharyaji Maharaj.
Folk and traditional Holi bhajans were played at the sacred grounds in front of the Lakshmi Narayan Temple which went on for hours making the myriad of devotees present there go into a divine trance of exuberance. Playing with herbal colors and flower petals made all the devotees truly gain the experience of divine bliss.
On Tuesday night the 26th of March, Puja and Holika Dahan (burning of Holika) was also performed where devotees from all over were also present.
Pujya Guru Maharaj expressed that in the sacred fire of Holika all types of mortifications and grief get disintegrated and destroyed.And we should forget all our present desires, attachments and enmity and should sincerely pray at the lotus feet of The Lord Almighty Shri Lakshmi Narayan for a prosperous future filled with immense peace and contentment.