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Bhashyakar Ramanujacharya Jayanti Ceremony Orchestration takes place at the Divine Abode of Shri Sidhdata Ashram in a very Majestic Manner

Faridabad (14th May, 2013): Shrimad Jagad Guru Ramanujacharya Ji is the leading expounder of Vishishtadvaita one of the classical interpretations of the dominant Vedanta School of Hindu philosophy; this profound message was elucidated by Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji. Sri Jeeyar Swamiji spoke as the Chief Guest on Tuesday 14th May at Shri Sidhdata Ashram, Lakshmi Narayan Divya Dham where the Auspicious Ceremony of Swami Ramanujacharya Ji Jayanti was orchestrated in a very grandiose way.Swamiji mentioned that approximately 1000 years ago Swami Ramanujacharya Ji had instructed 74 of his followers to go all around the world and propagate the importance as well as the Doctrine of Vaishnavism.Without having discrepancy towards any individual's caste or origin Swami Ramanujacharya Ji initiated Harijans and Dalits through the Panch Samskara into the Vaishnav Congregation.
Sri Jeeyar Swami also mentioned the added benefits of rightly celebrating the Birth Anniversary at the exact Vedic Timekeeping and Constellation. Swamiji spoke on one of Lord Vishnu's Incarnations, Maryada Purshottam Bhagwan Shri Ram, elucidating on how complaisantly and gracefully Lord Ram had carried out all his duties exemplifying model behavior and conduct thus coming to be fondly known as Maryada Purshottam.
Later on with all the Vedic Mantras and rituals as per Hindu Scriptures the traditional Holy Bath (Abhisek)was given to the Uthsav of Swami Ramanujacharya Ji,adorning with wet turmeric and Tulasi garland. After that Prasad was elaborately distributed to all the present devotees.
Anant Shri Vibhushit Srimad Jagad Guru Ramanujacharya Swami Purshottamacharyaji Maharaj welcomed and gracefully honoured all the Saints who had come to Grace the Auspicious Ceremony at the Ashram. Guru Maharaj also enlightened the venerators on the sacred Life history of Bhashyakar Ramanujacharya Ji. At the ceremony Jagad Guru Kaushlendra Prapannacharya Ji Maharaj too was present who shared some of his memorable experiences connected with the Divine Abode of Shri Sidhdata Ashram. He expressed that because of all the austere penances and sacrifices of Vaikunthvasi Pujya Gurudev JagadGuru Ramanujacharya Swami Sudarshanacharya Ji Maharaj the Divine Abode of Shri Sidhdata Ashram has truly become a Sacred Pilgrim Abode (Sidh Peeth). Millions of devotees even today feel Gurudev Maharaj's presence and still get to experience as well as see miracles done by Him. In the evening later that same day Shri Ramanujacharya Ji 's Shobha Yatra too was arranged in which myriads of devotees from all over very enthusiastically took part making the Auspicious Ceremony even more magnificent.