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Sidhdata Ashram did a Magnanimous Charity for Mankind: Deputy Commissioner, Faridabad

A blood donation camp was organized in collaboration with the Faridabad Red Cross Society at Shri Sidhdata Ashram, under the Divine presence of His Holiness Pujya Swami Purshottamacharyaji Maharaj. Shri Balraj Singh More, Deputy Commissioner, Faridabad was invited as the Chief Guest for the occasion. During the inauguration of the camp he addressed the people and said that a blood donor has no equal and we all must donate blood. The camp had been organized to generate awareness about blood donation among people. Blood donation does not lead to any deficiencies in the body. A healthy person can donate blood once in three months. With blood donation you can give life to someone; which is a very noble deed. He also said that during summer vacation in schools & colleges there is paucity of blood donors and so a drastic reduction in bloodstock takes place at the blood bank. But Guruji Swami Purshottamacharyaji Maharaj did a magnanimous charity for mankind, which is totally invaluable with this great endeavor of a blood donation camp.
Guruji Swami Purshottamacharyaji Maharaj encouraged all the present devotees and said that our Dharma gives a lot of importance towards saving somebody's life. Today with all kinds of negativity around us where brothers become enemies towards each other, in such a situation if people donate blood to save the life of unknown people then God Almighty will undoubtedly shower His blessings on them. He also stressed on the fact that a blood donor has no equal and that we must willingly donate blood to save life of the needy. And in order to do such acts of nobility we too must also maintain a healthy life ourselves. Guru Maharaj then showered his Divine Grace giving His blessings & Prasad to all those present.
Faridabad Red Cross Society and the Volunteers of Shri Sidhdata Ashram arranged the Blood Donation camp and managed the whole event in a very systematic manner.
Prior to the blood donation camp a health check up camp was organized at the Ashram in the morning. 400 patients were examined and prescribed medicines by specialist doctors.