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The harvest can only be reaped after sowing the seeds - Jagadguru Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj

Myriads of devotees gathered at Shri LakshmiNarayan Divyadham, Shri Sidhdata Ashram to celebrate the New Year and Birthday of Srimad Jagadguru Ramanujacharya Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj.
The whole atmosphere was filled with devotional music, spiritual discourse and blessings.
Nothing can be reaped without investment. However, in the field of spiritualism, the individual wants to gain each and everything without making any effort, which is wrong. Even, spirituality needs investment; where one is required to completely surrender himself/herself to the Supreme Lord, only then the essence of divinity can be achieved. Anant Shri Vibhushit Indraprastha and Haryana Peethadeeshwar Shrimad Jagadguru Ramanujacharya Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj expressed it. He was preaching to the devotees on the occasion of the Grand New Year celebrations in the Shri LakshmiNarayan Divyadham Shri Sidhdata Ashram located at sector 46.
Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Maharaj said that salary is received only after doing hard work for a complete month, and business prosperous only after investment, crop is harvested after sowing the seeds; however in spiritualism the individual wants to seek divinity at once without any effort. It is a misleading attitude and the outcomes therefore are painful. Guruji said that on the first day or on the New Year eve, many people visit hotels, clubs etc. and do all those things which fall under the category of erroneous deeds. However, today all those devotees who are listening to the divine attributes of God, while sitting or standing peacefully in the courtyard or circumambulatory path of the Ashram, they deserve all the best wishes, without any doubt.
Guruji said that everyone’s ultimate intention is to gain and no one wants to ever lose. When the principal of the investment & effort prevails in the materialistic world to reap the fruits, then why is it considered to be of negligible value in the spiritual world? He said the life of the man is like mathematics. In which the first 10 years of his/her life is meant for childhood, thereafter 11 to 18 years constitute the educational phase and from 19 to 48 are meant for paying attention to God while indulging in earthly karma (deeds), from 49 to 50, introspection of the deeds already performed takes place and from 51 to 58 years are meant for the Vanprastha (partially giving up worldly desires) and so moving ahead in life to get salvation by the 100th year.
Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj said that people have forgotten the gift of the human body graced to them by the compassion & kindness of the Almighty God and have indulged in other fallacious affairs, which are proving to be the main crux of all their pain and sorrow. But when unification with the supreme power takes place, then all causes of the pain and sorrow disappear and ultimately the devotee too gets liberated from dualities like sufferings and joy. Guruji enlightened the gathered venerators to tread on the path of righteousness leading to the Almighty by citing various examples from Vedas and other religious scriptures.
Thousands of devotees thronged the Ashram, as 1st January is also the auspicious birthday of Shri Guru Maharaj. In comparison to all other religious places of the city, maximum number of devotees visited here waiting anxiously to be blessed by His Holiness Guru Maharaj. On this occasion, the special edition of the monthly magazine of the Ashram Shri Sudarshan Sandesh, the yearbook of the Ashram, “Sudarshan Lok, the diary of the Ashram, an English book on “Guru Mahima”, were also released by the Shri Guruji Maharaj. Guru Maharaj also opened the modern computer lab in the Swami Sudarshanacharya Sanskrit Ved Vedang Vidyalaya. Besides, all these, the famous singer from Jaipur sang various bhajans and devotees who came from Hong-Kong, South Africa, Nigeria, Dubai, Australia and all over the country danced and enjoyed on melodious bhajans like “Jahan Tum Chaloge Vahin Main Chalunga, Maiya Badhai Ho” etc. Everybody also highly appreciated the Sanskrit play i.e. “Guru-Shishya”which was enacted by the students of the ved vidyalaya Shri Sidhdata Ashram.