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Dusshera Festival Celebrated at Ashram

Oct 23’12,Tuesday : Dussehra festival was celebrated with great reverence at Shri Sidhdata Ashram. Celebration began with completion of Shri Navratri Puja organised in Ashram over last 9 days for world and Human welfare, in the presence of Shri Guruji, Srimad Jagadguru Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj. Devotees from all over the world participated in this Puja conducted through day and night over last 8 days during the auspicious days of Navratri. Lot of devotees said that they had never experienced anything like this before; they claimed that it was divine and words can’t describe the experiences they had. Shri Guruji blessed all the devotees who participated in the Pooja with Ashirward.
There was also a Satsang held on this festive occasion. Speaking on this occasion, Shri Guruji, highly emphasised on Servility of your Mother & parents and devoting oneself in Seva of parents being the highest form of religion. He said when it comes to Seva, Parents come even ahead of Guru. Shri Guruji said that one should dedicate themselves in Seva of their parents and take their Blessings everyday.
Narrating the importance of Navaratri and Dushera, Shri Guruji said that Dushera has great importance according Hindu Mythologly and Shastras. It is symbol of win of Good over the Evil and hence Lord Vishnu himself did Puja for ending the evil forces. He also told that during these days worship of Maa SiddhiDatri is conducted because Maa SiddiDatri is provider of Moksha and responsible for welfare of entire Mankind. Further emphasizing on the importance of it, Shri Guruji said that Lord Shri Ramji also did Puja of Maa SiddhiDatri before going to war with Ravana and got her blessings.