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Skandmata was worshipped in the Divyadhaam

Srimad Jagadguru Ramanujacharya Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj worshipped Maa Durga at Shree Lakshminarayan Divyadhaam and offered prasadm to thousands of devotees.
On the occasion of ongoing Navratra Poojan, the Skandmata incarnation of the Goddess Durga was worshipped in Shree Lakshminarayan Divyadhaam located at Surajkund Road. Since morning, the hundreds of devotees started gathering in the ashram. As it was Tuesday, generally the numbers of devotees cross over three thousand. Several devotees reached there to have the darshan of Maa Durga.
Srimad Jagadguru Ramanujacharya Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj worshipped the idols of Skandmata. Guru Maharaj said this form of Maa Durga is having four arms which mean liberation from the bondage and she is seated on the Lotus. She liberates her followers from all worldly, physical and illusionary bondages.
After providing the satsang, Guru Maharaj offered blessings and prasadam to devotees. On this occasion, the devotees danced and enjoyed the lovely bhajans and after that they received the bhojan prasad as well.