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Diwali News: 13th Nov’12

Diwali was celebrated in Ashram with great splendour and grandeur. Entire Ashram was decorated and lit with beautiful lamps and lights on this occasion. The picturesque ashram looked even more scenic with lamps and lights illuminating the entire Ashram. Speaking on the occasion Shri Guruji, Srimad Jagadguru Ramanujacharya Swami Sri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj, said that Diwali is not only an occasion to light up and brighten externally but also an occasion to enlighten oneself from within. He said that fight between the Right and Wrong has been going on for ever and will always continue; Not only in the material world but also within every individual. It's for every individual to decide which path to take, the Right one or the Wrong one. He said, that when you choose the Right path it takes you closer to God and in the end you will Win. This festive occasion of Diwali also symbolises the same Victory of Right over Wrong !!
Photographs of Diwali celebrations and Govardhan Puja at Ashram have been uploaded on the website. If you wish to view the photographs, you can go to Latest Photos section on the home page or alternatively you can go to E-librabry- Pictures-Functions & Events 2012.