Ram Navmi

On the occasion of Ram Navmi on Saturday, the Janmotsav of Lord Shri Ram was celebrated with great enthusiasm at the Divyadhaam. On this occasion prasadam was distributed among the devotees after Abhishek of Shri Ram’s idols.
Shri Guruji, Srimad Jagadguru Ramanujacharya Swami Shri Purushottamacharya Ji Maharaj addressed the devotees after worshiping Shri Ram Darbaar. Guru Ji said that Shri Ram is an ideal representation for the whole mankind. The God through his incarnation in this personification has taught the mankind to live the life with humanity. The adoption of humanity should be the purpose of mankind when celebrating the Ram Navmi.
He said that the planetary position on this occasion is similar to the times when Lord Shri Ram incarnated, therefore it is a special day for all of us. He said that Shri Ram incarnated in the Month of Chaitra on ninth date of Shukla Paksha and the Nakshtra was Punravasu. The Punravasu Nakshtra started at 7.19 AM on Saturday, which is considered to be very auspicious.
The devotees thronged the temple since morning. Everybody was trying to have the darshan of Shri Rama. Everybody was cheering with the slogans like Jai Shree Ram, Mata Rani ki Jai and the atmosphere of the Divyadhaam was filled with divinity. On this occasion Maharaj Shree blessed and offered prasadam to thousands of devotees present there.