Miracle experiences
Kamal Satwani Dubai

It always gives me immense pleasure to share with all my Gurubhais, the miracles my beloved Guruji does for me and my family on a regular basis.
Miracle :- What is a miracle? Its God re-arranging reality in our Favour. what Maybe a miracle for me could just be a...
Soni Aidasani, Dubai, U.A.E

I, Soni Aidasani was blessed with my second son " Meeth Aidasani " on 29th December 2007. All was well until the 2nd day of Meeth's birth, when the doctors in the hospital in Dubai, UAE told us that they could hear a murmur in his heart and his breathing was not normal. Since he was only 2 days old, docto...
Neeta Ramchandani, Dubai

I want to share how Guruji has protected me and saved my life.
In Sept'2004 I got admitted to Rashid Hospital, Dubai due to Acute Pancreatitis. For those who do not know about this condition, in this the pancreas gets swollen and it omits a poisonous fluid/enzymes that in normal conditions helps to...
Hitesh, Dubai, U.A.E

My Pranaams at the Lotus Feet of our Great Guruji.I have been thoroughly blessed to be in contact with Guruji since 1980, I was around 10 years old. I used to visit Him at Defence Colony, Delhi along with my uncle. Of course for me – it was just an outing.
I lost my father at a very early age and...
Pinky Suri/Hari, (U.S.A.)

I came to Baba when I was probably in my 11th class. It was just somewhere Mummy, Papa were going; did not understand much about Guru and how HIS kripa changes and forms our life. HE took us in HIS "sharyn" right away, and over the last 18+ years, HE has given us so much. With HIS blessings and kripa, we...
Rohit Sidhwani Dubai, UAE

With the blessings and grace of his holiness Guru Maharaj, I am very grateful to Guruji for giving me this opportunity to write down a few of my memorable experiences with our beloved Guru Maharaj.
I used to live in Lagos, Nigeria and had heard about a lot of miracles that Guru Maharaj had done bu...
Monesh Aidasani Dubai, UAE

It gives me great pleasure to write my personal experience about my beloved GuruMaharaj.
Although I am no one to write about this Supreme Being but I'd like to express my feelings for the simple reason that wherever my life stands today is only and only because of GuruMaharaj and wherever it will i...
Das Pooji,Lagos, Nigeria

I wish to take this opportunity to express my feelings and experiences under the lotus feet of my respected Guruji.
In 1973, when I was just 13 years old, I met Guruji in Defence colony as he was visiting one of our family friends Mahindra Singh Chowdhary and I remember each and every moment, as i...
Manoj S Kirpalani, Dubai, UAE

My experience with our GuruMaharaj & Ashram is so vast that an entire lifetime would not be enough to explain. But to put it in short, I'll share few points with everyone.
I use to be a very superstitious person and GuruMaharaj cured me of this, and by his grace today I am 100% cured.
Monesh Aidasani Dubai, UAE

I am so deeply moved as I write down another fate-turning miracle by my Guruji. I must say that I am so thankful to him for moving me out of trouble waters every single time. So, to say it also happens without even an itch!
This happened in around September 2005 when I got a call from my office as...
Vanisha Mahtani, Hongkong

Our Reverent Gurus, Respected Swami Surdarshanacharyaji Maharaj and Respected Swami Purshottamacharyaji Maharaj, by their immortal presence showered their unconditional love and impacted us greatly. Their presence has delivered countless miracles both spiritually and materially; thus having altered our li...